Alerts are filtered for each device, package or delivery so you can quickly find the information depending on the precision level you want to focus on.

Simplicity is our mission, hence the whole platform is built to make it simple to handle setups and to detect alerts in your chain.

Study data at different precision levels ​
Since the system collects data on each asset / item / product / package, the platform is built to allow users to interact with the data at different precision level from the item to the delivery or a whole country.

Automatic geofencing
Setting up geofencing for a specific localization can quickly be cumbersome. Our platform makes it simple by creating a geofencing zone automatically from the locations you enter.

Create sub-organizations
Our system has the unique ability to be stored for months without using any data, and automatically start monitoring when being used. Hence, our users have the option of creating different organizations to manage their activities or partners.

Setup the alerts
All the alerts can be setup simply through the platform, at the package or delivery level. Many alerts are created automatically based on the delivery you create.